1st Inning
Top of the 1st: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #1: Kim Whee-jip
Single to left field
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Single to left of center fielder
– First base runner Kim Whee-jip: Advanced to second base
Batter #3: Lee Jung-hoo
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #4: Lee Won-seok
Base on balls
– First base runner Kim Hye-seong: Advanced to second base
– Second base runner Kim Whee-jip: Advanced to third base
Batter #5: Lim Byeong-wuk
Sacrifice fly to right fielder
– Second base runner Kim Hye-seong: Advanced to third base
– Third base runner Kim Whee-jip: Scored
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Bottom of the 1st: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #1: Kim Ji-chan
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #2: Kim Hyun-jun
Single down the left field line
Batter #3: Lee Jae-hyeon
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to shortstop)
– First base runner Kim Hyun-jun: Force out at second base
Batter #4: Pirela
Grounded out to pitcher
2nd Inning
Top of the 2nd: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #7: Song Sung-mun
Single to right field
Batter #8: Im Ji-yeol
Sacrifice bunt to pitcher
– First base runner Song Sung-mun: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Ye Jin-won
Batter #1: Kim Whee-jip
Uncaught third strike
Bottom of the 2nd: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #5: Kim Jae-seong
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #6: Kim Tae-gun
Single to right field
Batter #7: Kim Dong-yub
Foul fly caught by catcher
Batter #8: Kim Sung-yoon
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to second baseman)
– First base runner Kim Tae-gun: Force out at second base
3rd Inning
Top of the 3rd: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Batter #3: Lee Jung-hoo
Single to center field
Batter #4: Lee Won-seok
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #5: Lim Byeong-wuk
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to shortstop)
– First base runner Lee Jung-hoo: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 3rd: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #9: Kim Ho-jae
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #1: Kim Ji-chan
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #2: Kim Hyun-jun
Single to right of center fielder
Batter #3: Lee Jae-hyeon
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to shortstop)
– First base runner Kim Hyun-jun: Force out at second base
4th Inning
Top of the 4th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Grounded out to Reached base on an error by second baseman
– First base runner Lee Ji-young: Advanced to second base tactically
Batter #7: Song Sung-mun
Single to left of right fielder
– Second base runner Lee Ji-young: Advanced to third base
Batter #8: Im Ji-yeol
Sacrifice fly to left fielder
– Third base runner Lee Ji-young: Scored
Batter #9: Ye Jin-won
Second baseman in front of Infield single
– First base runner Song Sung-mun: Advanced to second base
Batter #1: Kim Whee-jip
Mound visit by catcher
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Flied out to left fielder
Bottom of the 4th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #4: Pirela
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #5: Kim Jae-seong
Base on balls
Batter #6: Kim Tae-gun
Single to right-center gap
– First base runner Kim Jae-seong: Advanced to second base
Batter #7: Kim Dong-yub
Mound visit by catcher
Popped out to second baseman
Batter #8: Kim Sung-yoon
5th Inning
Top of the 5th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #3: Lee Jung-hoo
Single to right field
Batter #4: Lee Won-seok
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #5: Lim Byeong-wuk
– First base runner Lee Jung-hoo: Advanced to second base on a wild pitch
Grounded out to shortstop
– Second base runner Lee Jung-hoo: Advanced to third base
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Bottom of the 5th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #9: Kim Ho-jae
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #1: Kim Ji-chan
Grounded out to first baseman
Batter #2: Kim Hyun-jun
Single to left-center gap
Batter #3: Lee Jae-hyeon
Grounded out to pitcher
6th Inning
Top of the 6th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #7: Song Sung-mun
Batter #8: Im Ji-yeol
Single to left field
Batter #9: Ye Jin-won
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #1: Kim Whee-jip
Bottom of the 6th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #4: Pirela
Single to left of right fielder
Batter #5: Kim Jae-seong
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #6: Kim Tae-gun
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #7: Kim Dong-yub
Grounded out to third baseman
7th Inning
Top of the 7th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Pitching change: Suarez → Yang Chang-seop
Single to right field
Batter #3: Lee Jung-hoo
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #4: Lee Won-seok
– First base runner Kim Hye-seong: Caught stealing (catcher → second baseman tag out)
[20:30-20:31] Samsung requests replay review on stolen base play involving <<김혜성 second base>>. Call on field: Safe; Call after review: Out
Uncaught third strike
Bottom of the 7th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #8: Kim Sung-yoon
Bunted to pitcher
Batter #9: Kim Ho-jae
Second baseman right Infield single
Batter #1: Kim Ji-chan
Mound visit by coaching staff
Base on balls
– First base runner Kim Ho-jae: Advanced to second base
Batter #2: Kim Hyun-jun
Mound visit by catcher
Substitution: 2nd base runner Kim Ho-jae out, pinch runner Lee Sung-gyu in
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Kim Ji-chan: Force out at second base
8th Inning
Top of the 8th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #5: Lim Byeong-wuk
Pitching change: Yang Chang-seop → Lee Jae-ik
Substitution: Pinch runner Lee Sung-gyu out, third baseman Kong Min-gyu in
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #7: Song Sung-mun
Single down the right field line
Batter #8: Im Ji-yeol
Pitching change: Lee Jae-ik → Choi Ji-gwang
Single to left field
– First base runner Song Sung-mun: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Ye Jin-won
Grounded out to first baseman
[20:58-20:58] Kiwoom requests replay review on ball in play involving <<예진원 first base>>. Call on field: Out; Call after review: Out
Bottom of the 8th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #3: Lee Jae-hyeon
Batter #4: Pirela
Double to right-center gap
Batter #5: Kim Jae-seong
Batter #6: Kim Tae-gun
Flied out to center fielder
9th Inning
Top of the 9th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #1: Kim Whee-jip
Pitching change: Choi Ji-gwang → Lee Seung-hyun
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Single down the right field line
Batter #3: Lee Jung-hoo
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #4: Lee Won-seok
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to third baseman)
– First base runner Kim Hye-seong: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 9th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #7: Kim Dong-yub
Pitching change: An Woo-jin → Lim Chang-min
Substitution: Catcher Lee Ji-young out, catcher Kim Dong-heon in
Single to left-center gap
Batter #8: Kim Sung-yoon
Substitution: 1st base runner Kim Dong-yub out, pinch runner Ryu Seung-min in
First baseman left Infield single
– First base runner Ryu Seung-min: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Kong Min-gyu
Mound visit by coaching staff
Substitution: #9 hitter Kong Min-gyu out, pinch hitter An Ju-hyeong in
Pinch hitter An Ju-hyeong
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to second baseman)
– First base runner Kim Sung-yoon: Force out at second base
– Second base runner Ryu Seung-min: Advanced to third base
Batter #1: Kim Ji-chan
Pitcher right Bunt for a hit
– First base runner An Ju-hyeong: Advanced to second base
– Third base runner Ryu Seung-min: Scored
Batter #2: Kim Hyun-jun
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to second baseman)
– First base runner Kim Ji-chan: Force out at second base
– Second base runner An Ju-hyeong: Advanced to third base
Batter #3: Lee Jae-hyeon
Grounded out to third baseman