1st Inning
Top of the 1st: LG Twins at bat
Batter #1: Lee Chun-woong
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #2: Jung Ju-hyeon
Home run to left field (Distance: 110m / 360ft)
Batter #3: Lee Hyung-jong
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #4: Joseph
Foul fly caught by catcher
Bottom of the 1st: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #1: Kim Sang-su
Single to center field
Batter #2: Koo Ja-wook
Hit by pitch
– First base runner Kim Sang-su: Advanced to second base
Batter #3: Kim Hun-gon
Double over the head of right fielder
– First base runner Koo Ja-wook: Advanced to third base
– Second base runner Kim Sang-su: Scored
Batter #4: Ruf
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #5: Lee Hak-ju
Popped out to shortstop
Batter #6: Park Hae-min
2nd Inning
Top of the 2nd: LG Twins at bat
Batter #5: Chae Eun-seong
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #6: Seo Sang-woo
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #7: Oh Ji-hwan
Grounded out to shortstop
Bottom of the 2nd: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #7: Choi Young-jin
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #8: Kim Ho-jae
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #9: Kim Do-hwan
Grounded out to shortstop
3rd Inning
Top of the 3rd: LG Twins at bat
Batter #8: Yoo Kang-nam
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #9: Gu Bon-hyeok
Hit by pitch
Batter #1: Lee Chun-woong
Double over the head of right fielder
– First base runner Gu Bon-hyeok: Advanced to third base
Batter #2: Jung Ju-hyeon
Single to left field
– Second base runner Lee Chun-woong: Advanced to third base
– Third base runner Gu Bon-hyeok: Scored
Batter #3: Lee Hyung-jong
Sacrifice fly to center fielder
– First base runner Jung Ju-hyeon: Advanced to second base
– Third base runner Lee Chun-woong: Scored
Batter #4: Joseph
Base on balls
Batter #5: Chae Eun-seong
Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 3rd: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #1: Kim Sang-su
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #2: Koo Ja-wook
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #3: Kim Hun-gon
Single to left field
Batter #4: Ruf
Foul fly caught by first baseman
4th Inning
Top of the 4th: LG Twins at bat
Batter #6: Seo Sang-woo
Single to right-center gap
Batter #7: Oh Ji-hwan
– First base runner Seo Sang-woo: Advanced to second base on a wild pitch
Grounded out to first baseman
– Second base runner Seo Sang-woo: Advanced to third base
Batter #8: Yoo Kang-nam
Sacrifice fly to right fielder
– Third base runner Seo Sang-woo: Scored
Batter #9: Gu Bon-hyeok
Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 4th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #5: Lee Hak-ju
Batter #6: Park Hae-min
Single down the left field line
Batter #7: Choi Young-jin
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #8: Kim Ho-jae
Grounded out to third baseman
5th Inning
Top of the 5th: LG Twins at bat
Batter #1: Lee Chun-woong
Grounded out to first baseman
Batter #2: Jung Ju-hyeon
Single to right of left fielder
Batter #3: Lee Hyung-jong
Home run to left field (Distance: 115m / 375ft)
– First base runner Jung Ju-hyeon: Scored
Batter #4: Joseph
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #5: Chae Eun-seong
Single to left field
Batter #6: Seo Sang-woo
Single to center field
– First base runner Chae Eun-seong: Advanced to second base
Batter #7: Oh Ji-hwan
Flied out to left fielder
Bottom of the 5th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #9: Kim Do-hwan
Batter #1: Kim Sang-su
Single to right-center gap
Batter #2: Koo Ja-wook
Single to right of left fielder
– First base runner Kim Sang-su: Advanced to second base
Batter #3: Kim Hun-gon
Double over the head of left fielder
– First base runner Koo Ja-wook: Advanced to third base
– Second base runner Kim Sang-su: Scored
Batter #4: Ruf
Grounded out to second baseman
– Second base runner Kim Hun-gon: Advanced to third base
– Third base runner Koo Ja-wook: Scored
Batter #5: Lee Hak-ju
Flied out to right fielder
6th Inning
Top of the 6th: LG Twins at bat
Batter #8: Yoo Kang-nam
Pitching change: Yun Sung-hwan → Choi Chae-heung
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #9: Gu Bon-hyeok
Lined out to shortstop
Batter #1: Lee Chun-woong
Grounded out to second baseman
Bottom of the 6th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #6: Park Hae-min
Base on balls
Batter #7: Choi Young-jin
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #8: Kim Ho-jae
Single to center field
– First base runner Park Hae-min: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Pinch hitter Back Seung-min batting for Kim Do-hwan
Lined out to third baseman
Batter #1: Kim Sang-su
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to shortstop)
– First base runner Kim Ho-jae: Force out at second base
7th Inning
Top of the 7th: LG Twins at bat
Batter #2: Jung Ju-hyeon
Substitution: Pinch hitter Back Seung-min out, catcher Kang Min-ho in
Double down the left field line
Batter #3: Lee Hyung-jong
Single to right of left fielder
– Second base runner Jung Ju-hyeon: Scored
Batter #4: Joseph
– First base runner Lee Hyung-jong: Stole second base
Base on balls
Batter #5: Chae Eun-seong
Substitution: 1st base runner Joseph out, pinch runner Kim Yong-eui in
Flied out to center fielder
– Second base runner Lee Hyung-jong: Advanced to third base
Batter #6: Seo Sang-woo
– First base runner Kim Yong-eui: Advanced to second base on double steal
– Third base runner Lee Hyung-jong: Scored on double steal
Batter #7: Oh Ji-hwan
Flied out to left fielder
Bottom of the 7th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #2: Koo Ja-wook
Pitching change: Kelly → Kim Dae-hyun
Position change: Pinch runner Kim Yong-eui moved to first baseman
Substitution: Shortstop Oh Ji-hwan out, shortstop Yoon Jin-ho in
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #3: Kim Hun-gon
Lined out to third baseman
Batter #4: Ruf
Foul fly caught by third baseman
8th Inning
Top of the 8th: LG Twins at bat
Batter #8: Yoo Kang-nam
Pitching change: Choi Chae-heung → Kim Dae-woo
Substitution: Right fielder Koo Ja-wook out, right fielder Song Jun-suk in
Home run to center field (Distance: 125m / 410ft)
Batter #9: Gu Bon-hyeok
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #1: Lee Chun-woong
Double down the right field line
Batter #2: Jung Ju-hyeon
Flied out to right fielder
– Second base runner Lee Chun-woong: Advanced to third base
Batter #3: Lee Hyung-jong
– Third base runner Lee Chun-woong: Scored on a wild pitch
[21:03-21:03] LG requests replay review on possible home run by Lee Hyung-jong. Call on field: Second base타; Call after review: Second base타
Double over the head of center fielder
Batter #4: Kim Yong-eui
Double to right-center gap
– Second base runner Lee Hyung-jong: Scored
Batter #5: Chae Eun-seong
Flied out to right fielder
Bottom of the 8th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #5: Lee Hak-ju
Substitution: Left fielder Lee Hyung-jong out, catcher Lee Sung-woo in
Substitution: Catcher Yoo Kang-nam out, left fielder Jun Min-soo in
Batter #6: Park Hae-min
Grounded out to first baseman
Batter #7: Choi Young-jin
Popped out to first baseman
9th Inning
Top of the 9th: LG Twins at bat
Batter #6: Seo Sang-woo
Substitution: Second baseman Kim Sang-su out, second baseman Son Joo-in in
Substitution: Center fielder Park Hae-min out, center fielder Kim Sung-hoon in
Base on balls
Batter #7: Yoon Jin-ho
Popped out to first baseman
Batter #8: Jun Min-soo
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Seo Sang-woo: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 9th: Samsung Lions at bat
Batter #8: Kim Ho-jae
Pitching change: Kim Dae-hyun → Im Chan-kyu
Substitution: Center fielder Lee Chun-woong out, center fielder Shin Min-jae in
Batter #9: Kang Min-ho
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #1: Son Joo-in
Pitch #1: Ball
Pitch #2: Ball
Pitch #3: Contact
Foul fly caught by first baseman
End of Game