1st Inning
Top of the 1st: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jo Soo-haeng
Single to center field
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Batter #3: Rojas
Double down the left field line
– First base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to third base
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Double down the left field line
– Second base runner Rojas: Scored
– Third base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Scored
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
Mound visit by catcher
Batter #6: Kim In-tae
Grounded out to second baseman
Bottom of the 1st: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #1: Lim Byeong-wuk
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #3: Dawson
Base on balls
Batter #4: Song Sung-mun
2nd Inning
Top of the 2nd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #7: Kang Seung-ho
2회초 7번타순 2구 후 18:55 ~ 18:56 (1분간) 두산요청 비디오 판독: 강승호 내야ball in Fair/Foul 관련 Fair→Foul
Batter #8: Jang Seung-hyun
Batter #9: Heo Kyoung-min
Single to right field
Batter #1: Jo Soo-haeng
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to shortstop)
– First base runner Heo Kyoung-min: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 2nd: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #5: Kim Whee-jip
Batter #6: Lee Joo-hyung
Hit by pitch
Batter #7: Ju Seong-won
Batter #8: Kim Woong-bin
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to second baseman)
– First base runner Lee Joo-hyung: Force out at second base
3rd Inning
Top of the 3rd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Single to right-center gap
Batter #3: Rojas
Popped out to second baseman
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
First baseman 플라이 error으로 출루 (first baseman 포구 error)
– First base runner Kim Jae-ho: Advanced to third base on an error
Batter #6: Kim In-tae
Single to right field
– First base runner Kim Jae-hwan: Advanced to third base
– Third base runner Kim Jae-ho: Scored
Batter #7: Kang Seung-ho
Mound visit by coaching staff
– First base runner Kim In-tae: Stole second base
Single to center field
– First base runner Kang Seung-ho: Advanced to second base during defensive play on other runner
– Second base runner Kim In-tae: Scored
– Third base runner Kim Jae-hwan: Scored
Batter #8: Jang Seung-hyun
Grounded out to pitcher
Bottom of the 3rd: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #9: Kim Si-ang
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #1: Lim Byeong-wuk
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
4th Inning
Top of the 4th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #9: Heo Kyoung-min
Substitution: First baseman Kim Woong-bin out, first baseman Jeon Byeong-woo in
Single to left field
Batter #1: Jo Soo-haeng
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Batter #3: Rojas
Popped out to first baseman
Bottom of the 4th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #3: Dawson
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #4: Song Sung-mun
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #5: Kim Whee-jip
Grounded out to second baseman
5th Inning
Top of the 5th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Pitching change: Kim Seon-gi → Yang Hyun
Single down the left field line
– First base runner Yang Suk-hwan: Tag out (left fielder → second baseman tag out)
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #6: Kim In-tae
Flied out to center fielder
Bottom of the 5th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #6: Lee Joo-hyung
Single to right field
Batter #7: Ju Seong-won
Single to center field
– First base runner Lee Joo-hyung: Advanced to second base
Batter #8: Jeon Byeong-woo
Mound visit by catcher
Batter #9: Kim Si-ang
Substitution: #9 hitter Kim Si-ang out, pinch hitter Kim Dong-heon in
Pinch hitter Kim Dong-heon
Batter #1: Lim Byeong-wuk
– Second base runner Lee Joo-hyung: Advanced to third base on an error by first baseman
Second baseman left Infield single
– First base runner Ju Seong-won: 타구맞음 Out
6th Inning
Top of the 6th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #7: Kang Seung-ho
Position change: Pinch hitter Kim Dong-heon moved to catcher
Reached base on an error by first baseman
Batter #8: Jang Seung-hyun
Pitcher buntGrounded into double play
– First base runner Kang Seung-ho: Force out at second base
[20:18-20:19] Doosan requests replay review on Force Out play involving <<강승호 second base>>. Call on field: Out; Call after review: Out
Batter #9: Heo Kyoung-min
Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 6th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Grounded out to pitcher
Batter #3: Dawson
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #4: Song Sung-mun
Grounded out to second baseman
7th Inning
Top of the 7th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jo Soo-haeng
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Single to center field
Batter #3: Rojas
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Kim Jae-ho: Force out at second base
7회초 3번타순 4구 후 수비 시프트: Third baseman가 1,second base간 위치에서 수비
7회초 3번타순 4구 후 수비 시프트: Third baseman가 1,second base간 위치에서 수비
Bottom of the 7th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #5: Kim Whee-jip
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #6: Lee Joo-hyung
Popped out to shortstop
Batter #7: Ju Seong-won
Mound visit by coaching staff
Lined out to third baseman
8th Inning
Top of the 8th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Pitching change: Yang Hyun → Yun Seok-won
Substitution: Shortstop Kim Whee-jip out, shortstop Kim Ju-hyung in
Uncaught third strike
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
Substitution: #5 hitter Kim Jae-hwan out, pinch hitter Yang Eui-ji in
Pinch hitter Yang Eui-ji
좌중간 behind Home run (Distance: 125m / 410ft)
Batter #6: Kim In-tae
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #7: Kang Seung-ho
Bottom of the 8th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #8: Jeon Byeong-woo
Pitching change: Alcántara → Kim Kang-ryul
Substitution: Third baseman Heo Kyoung-min out, third baseman Park Jun-young in
Substitution: Shortstop Kim Jae-ho out, shortstop Park Gye-beom in
Position change: Pinch hitter Yang Eui-ji moved to designated hitter
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #9: Kim Dong-heon
Batter #1: Lim Byeong-wuk
9th Inning
Top of the 9th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #8: Jang Seung-hyun
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #9: Park Jun-young
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #1: Jo Soo-haeng
Grounded out to shortstop
Bottom of the 9th: Kiwoom Heroes at bat
Batter #2: Kim Hye-seong
Pitching change: Kim Kang-ryul → Lee Byung-heon
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #3: Dawson
Batter #4: Song Sung-mun
Double down the left field line
Batter #5: Kim Ju-hyung
Double over the head of right fielder
– Second base runner Song Sung-mun: Scored
Batter #6: Lee Joo-hyung
Second baseman in front of Infield single
– Second base runner Kim Ju-hyung: Advanced to third base
Batter #7: Ju Seong-won
Popped out to second baseman