Doosan 8 : 3 Kia


1 Jung Soo-bin #31
CF .250 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 Kim Jae-ho #52
SS .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1B .600 5 0 3 0 4 0 0 0
4 Yang Eui-ji #25
C .200 5 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
5 Rojas #11
LF .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Kim Tae-keun #92
LF .000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2B .600 5 2 3 1 1 0 1 0
3B .250 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
DH .250 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
9 Jo Soo-haeng #51
RF .750 4 2 3 0 1 0 0 0
SS .000 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 Choi Won-jun #16
RF .667 3 1 2 0 0 2 0 0
3 Na Sung-bum #47
DH .400 5 1 2 1 2 0 2 0
LF .250 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
5 Brito #30
CF .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2B .500 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
7 Hwang Dae-in #52
1B .000 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Ko Jong-wook #57
PH .000 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Oh Sun-woo #56
1B .000 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3B .500 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Kim Kyu-sung #14
PR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Han Jun-su #55
C .333 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Lee Chang-jin #66
PH 1.000 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0


4.50 6 106 3 3 8 1 5 1 0 48
0.00 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00 0 ⅔ 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0.00 1 28 0 0 2 0 2 1 0
0.00 0 ⅓ 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Pannone #45
7.20 5 87 5 4 8 2 1 0 0 34
0.00 0 ⅔ 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00 0 ⅓ 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00 0 ⅔ 9 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
13.50 0 ⅔ 15 1 1 3 0 1 1 0
5.40 1 ⅔ 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 0


1st Inning
Top of the 1st: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Grounded out to pitcher
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #3: Yang Suk-hwan
Grounded out to shortstop
Bottom of the 1st: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #1: Kim Do-young
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #2: Choi Won-joon
Base on balls
Batter #3: Na Sung-bum
Single to left field
– First base runner Choi Won-joon: Advanced to second base
Batter #4: Choi Hyoung-woo
Flied out to right fielder
– Second base runner Choi Won-joon: Advanced to third base
Batter #5: Brito
Flied out to left fielder
2nd Inning
Top of the 2nd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #4: Yang Eui-ji
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #5: Rojas
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Home run to left field (Distance: 115m / 375ft)
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 2nd: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #6: Kim Sun-bin
Third baseman left Infield single
Batter #7: Hwang Dae-in
Batter #8: Byeon Woo-hyeok
Single to left-center gap
– First base runner Kim Sun-bin: Advanced to third base
Batter #9: Han Jun-su
Single to right field
– First base runner Byeon Woo-hyeok: Advanced to second base
– Third base runner Kim Sun-bin: Scored
Batter #1: Kim Do-young
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Han Jun-su: Force out at second base
3rd Inning
Top of the 3rd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #8: Park Jun-young
Foul fly caught by catcher
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Third baseman in front of Bunt for a hit
[14:49-14:49] Kia requests replay review on ball in play involving Jo Soo-haeng. Call on field: Safe; Call after review: Safe
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Grounded out to Reached base on an error by third baseman
– First base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to second base on an error
Batter #3: Yang Suk-hwan
Mound visit by catcher
Single down the left field line
– First base runner Kim Jae-ho: Advanced to second base
– Second base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Scored
Batter #4: Yang Eui-ji
Flied out to right fielder
Bottom of the 3rd: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #2: Choi Won-joon
Double to right-center gap
Batter #3: Na Sung-bum
Batter #4: Choi Hyoung-woo
Batter #5: Brito
Lined out to second baseman
4th Inning
Top of the 4th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #5: Rojas
Foul fly caught by shortstop
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Single to center field
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #8: Park Jun-young
– First base runner Kang Seung-ho: Caught stealing (pitcher 견제 → first baseman → shortstop → first baseman tag out)
Bottom of the 4th: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #6: Kim Sun-bin
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #7: Hwang Dae-in
Popped out to third baseman
Batter #8: Byeon Woo-hyeok
Popped out to first baseman
5th Inning
Top of the 5th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #8: Park Jun-young
Home run to left field (Distance: 110m / 360ft)
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Center fielder left in front of Single
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Mound visit by coaching staff
Catcher right Bunt for a hit
– First base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to second base
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Sacrifice bunt to catcher
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Advanced to second base
– Second base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to third base
Batter #3: Yang Suk-hwan
Double to left-center gap
– Second base runner Jung Soo-bin: Scored
– Third base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Scored
Batter #4: Yang Eui-ji
Grounded out to second baseman
– Second base runner Yang Suk-hwan: Advanced to third base
Batter #5: Rojas
Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 5th: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #9: Han Jun-su
Batter #1: Kim Do-young
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #2: Choi Won-joon
Single to center field
Batter #3: Na Sung-bum
Home run to right field (Distance: 110m / 360ft)
– First base runner Choi Won-joon: Scored
Batter #4: Choi Hyoung-woo
Flied out to left fielder
6th Inning
Top of the 6th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Pitching change: Pannone → Yoon Joong-hyun
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #8: Park Jun-young
Grounded out to Reached base on an error by shortstop
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Pitching change: Yoon Joong-hyun → Kim Dae-yu
– First base runner Park Jun-young: Stole second base
Grounded out to second baseman
Bottom of the 6th: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #5: Brito
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #6: Kim Sun-bin
Shortstop in front of Infield single
Batter #7: Hwang Dae-in
Substitution: #7 hitter Hwang Dae-in out, pinch hitter Ko Jong-wook in
Pinch hitter Ko Jong-wook
Batter #8: Byeon Woo-hyeok
Grounded out to third baseman
7th Inning
Top of the 7th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Substitution: Pinch hitter Ko Jong-wook out, first baseman Oh Sun-woo in
Grounded out toReached base on an error by pitcher
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Advanced to second base tactically
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Pitching change: Kim Dae-yu → Kim Seung-hyun
Sacrifice bunt to catcher
– Second base runner Jung Soo-bin: Advanced to third base
Batter #3: Yang Suk-hwan
Single over the head of left fielder
– Third base runner Jung Soo-bin: Scored
[16:20-16:21] Doosan requests replay review on possible home run by Yang Suk-hwan. Call on field: 관련 안타; Call after review: 안타
Batter #4: Yang Eui-ji
Batter #5: Rojas
Pitching change: Kim Seung-hyun → Kwak Do-gyu
Flied out to left fielder
Bottom of the 7th: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #9: Han Jun-su
Pitching change: Alcántara → Kim Myeong-sin
Substitution: Left fielder Rojas out, left fielder Kim Tae-keun in
Grounded out to first baseman
Batter #1: Kim Do-young
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #2: Choi Won-joon
Flied out to center fielder
8th Inning
Top of the 8th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Double down the left field line
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Single to right field
– Second base runner Kang Seung-ho: Advanced to third base
Batter #8: Park Jun-young
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Shortstop left Infield single
– First base runner Heo Kyoung-min: Advanced to second base
– Third base runner Kang Seung-ho: Scored
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
– First base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to second base on double steal
– Second base runner Heo Kyoung-min: Advanced to third base on double steal
Base on balls
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Pitching change: Kwak Do-gyu → Jang Hyun-sik
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 8th: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #3: Na Sung-bum
Pitching change: Kim Myeong-sin → Kim Kang-ryul
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #4: Choi Hyoung-woo
Double over the head of left fielder
Batter #5: Brito
Popped out to shortstop
Batter #6: Kim Sun-bin
Pitching change: Kim Kang-ryul → Hong Geon-hui
Grounded out to shortstop
9th Inning
Top of the 9th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #3: Yang Suk-hwan
Popped out to second baseman
Batter #4: Yang Eui-ji
좌중간 behind Home run (Distance: 120m / 395ft)
Batter #5: Kim Tae-keun
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Bottom of the 9th: Kia Tigers at bat
Batter #7: Oh Sun-woo
Batter #8: Byeon Woo-hyeok
Single to left-center gap
Batter #9: Han Jun-su
Substitution: 1st base runner Byeon Woo-hyeok out, pinch runner Kim Kyu-sung in
Pinch hitter Lee Chang-jin
Substitution: #9 hitter Han Jun-su out, pinch hitter Lee Chang-jin in
Single to center field
– First base runner Kim Kyu-sung: Advanced to second base
Batter #1: Kim Do-young
Batter #2: Choi Won-joon
Base on balls
– First base runner Lee Chang-jin: Advanced to second base
– Second base runner Kim Kyu-sung: Advanced to third base
Batter #3: Na Sung-bum
Pitching change: Hong Geon-hui → Jeong Cheol-won
Mound visit by catcher
Deciding Hit Yang Suk-hwan (3rd inning, 2 out, runners on 1,2, LF single)
HR Kang Seung-ho (#7, 2nd inning off Pannone, 1 run), Park Jun-young (#4, 5th inning off Pannone, 1 run), Na Sung-bum (#18, 5th inning off Alcántara, 2 run), Yang Eui-ji (#11, 9th inning off Jang Hyun-sik, 1 run)
2B Choi Won-joon (3rd inning), Yang Suk-hwan (5th inning), Choi Hyoung-woo (8th inning), Kang Seung-ho (8th inning)
E Byeon Woo-hyeok (3rd inning), Kim Do-young (6th inning), Kim Dae-yu (7th inning)
SB Park Jun-young (6th inning), Jo Soo-haeng (8th inning), Heo Kyoung-min (8th inning)
CS Kang Seung-ho (4th inning)
GIDP Kim Do-young (2nd inning), Kim Jae-ho (8th inning)
Umpires Moon Dong-gyoon, Oh Hoon-gyu, Na Gwang-nam, Park Joong-chul
Venue Gwangju Kia Champions Field
Attendance 12878
Duration 3:25