Hanwha 3 : 1 Doosan


2B .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Moon Hyun-bin #64
2B .000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Perlaza #30
DH .333 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
CF .500 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
3B .250 4 1 1 0 0 0 3 0
5 Kim Tae-yean #25
1B .000 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0
6 Kim In-hwan #37
1B .000 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0
Yoo Ro-gyeol #33
RF 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Lee Do-yun #7
SS .500 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
8 Lee Jae-won #32
C .333 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Lee Won-seok #50
LF 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
LF .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Choi Jae-hoon #13
C 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 Jung Soo-bin #31
CF .250 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 Kim Jae-ho #52
SS .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 Young #95
LF .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1B .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Kim Jae-hwan #32
DH .250 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
2B .250 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
3B .333 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
8 Kim Ki-yeon #45
C .333 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
9 Jo Soo-haeng #51
RF .000 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Yang Eui-ji #25
PH .000 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Kim Tae-keun #8
RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


1.29 7 95 1 1 5 1 4 0 1 66
0.00 2 20 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Balazovic #43
3.00 6 88 2 2 5 0 5 4 0 55
0.00 0 ⅔ 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0.00 0 ⅔ 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0.00 0 ⅔ 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0.00 1 29 1 0 0 0 1 2 0


1st Inning
Top of the 1st: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #1: Hwang Young-mook
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #2: Perlaza
Single to left field
Batter #3: Jang Jin-hyuk
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Perlaza: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 1st: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Grounded out to Reached base on an error by third baseman
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Sacrifice bunt to catcher
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Advanced to second base
Batter #3: Young
Popped out to second baseman
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Grounded out to third baseman
2nd Inning
Top of the 2nd: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #4: Roh Si-hwan
2회초 4번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 한화 노시환
Double down the left field line
Batter #5: Kim Tae-yean
Batter #6: Kim In-hwan
Base on balls
Batter #7: Lee Do-yun
Single to left field
– First base runner Kim In-hwan: Advanced to second base
– Second base runner Roh Si-hwan: Scored
Batter #8: Lee Jae-won
2회초 8번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 한화 이재원
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #9: Lee Jin-young
Flied out to center fielder
Bottom of the 2nd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Foul fly caught by catcher
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Double down the left field line
Batter #8: Kim Ki-yeon
Grounded out to third baseman
3rd Inning
Top of the 3rd: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #1: Hwang Young-mook
Grounded out to first baseman
Batter #2: Perlaza
Batter #3: Jang Jin-hyuk
Grounded out to second baseman
Bottom of the 3rd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Lined out to shortstop
4th Inning
Top of the 4th: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #4: Roh Si-hwan
4회초 4번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 한화 노시환
Batter #5: Kim Tae-yean
Base on balls
Batter #6: Kim In-hwan
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Kim Tae-yean: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 4th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #3: Young
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
우중간 behind Home run (Distance: 130m / 425ft)
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
5th Inning
Top of the 5th: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #7: Lee Do-yun
5회초 7번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 한화 이도윤
First baseman in front of Infield single
Batter #8: Lee Jae-won
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Lee Do-yun: Force out at second base
Batter #9: Lee Jin-young
Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 5th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Foul fly caught by first baseman
Batter #8: Kim Ki-yeon
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
5회말 9번타순 3구 후 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : 한화 류현진
6th Inning
Top of the 6th: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #1: Hwang Young-mook
6회초 1번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 한화 황영묵
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #2: Perlaza
Base on balls
Batter #3: Jang Jin-hyuk
Double to right-center gap
– Second base runner Jang Jin-hyuk: Advanced to third base during defensive play on other runner
– First base runner Perlaza: Scored
Batter #4: Roh Si-hwan
Batter #5: Kim Tae-yean
Base on balls
Batter #6: Kim In-hwan
Mound visit by coaching staff
Bottom of the 6th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Shortstop right Infield single
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Foul fly caught by first baseman
Batter #3: Young
Hit by pitch
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Advanced to second base
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
Mound visit by coaching staff
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Young: Force out at second base
7th Inning
Top of the 7th: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #7: Lee Do-yun
Pitching change: Balazovic → Choi Ji-kang
Flied out to left fielder
Batter #8: Lee Jae-won
Double down the left field line
Batter #9: Lee Jin-young
Substitution: 2nd base runner Lee Jae-won out, pinch runner Lee Won-seok in
Grounded out to shortstop
– Second base runner Lee Won-seok: Advanced to third base
Batter #1: Hwang Young-mook
Pitching change: Choi Ji-kang → Lee Byung-heon
Foul fly caught by left fielder
Bottom of the 7th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
Substitution: Left fielder Lee Jin-young out, catcher Choi Jae-hoon in
Position change: Pinch runner Lee Won-seok moved to left field
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Third baseman left Infield single
Batter #7: Heo Kyoung-min
Foul fly caught by first baseman
Batter #8: Kim Ki-yeon
Single to left field
– First base runner Kang Seung-ho: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Mound visit by coaching staff
Substitution: #9 hitter Jo Soo-haeng out, pinch hitter Yang Eui-ji in
Pinch hitter Yang Eui-ji
8th Inning
Top of the 8th: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #2: Perlaza
8회초 2번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : 두산 이병헌
Substitution: Pinch hitter Yang Eui-ji out, right fielder Kim Tae-keun in
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #3: Jang Jin-hyuk
Pitcher left Bunt for a hit
Batter #4: Roh Si-hwan
8회초 4번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 한화 노시환
Pitching change: Lee Byung-heon → Kim Kang-ryul
– First base runner Jang Jin-hyuk: Picked off (pitcher 견제 → first baseman tag out)
Bottom of the 8th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
8회말 1번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : 한화 박상원
Pitching change: Ryu Hyun-jin → Park Sang-won
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #2: Kim Jae-ho
Batter #3: Young
Uncaught third strike
9th Inning
Top of the 9th: Hanwha Eagles at bat
Batter #5: Kim Tae-yean
Pitching change: Kim Kang-ryul → Hong Geon-hui
Batter #6: Kim In-hwan
Base on balls
Batter #7: Lee Do-yun
Substitution: 1st base runner Kim In-hwan out, pinch runner Yoo Ro-gyeol in
Shortstop 플라이 error으로 출루 (shortstop 포구 error)
– First base runner Yoo Ro-gyeol: Advanced to second base on an error
Batter #8: Lee Won-seok
Mound visit by coaching staff
Base on balls
– First base runner Lee Do-yun: Advanced to second base
– Second base runner Yoo Ro-gyeol: Advanced to third base
Batter #9: Choi Jae-hoon
9회초 9번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : 두산 홍건희
Sacrifice fly to right fielder
– Second base runner Lee Do-yun: Advanced to third base
– Third base runner Yoo Ro-gyeol: Scored
Batter #1: Hwang Young-mook
Substitution: #1 hitter Hwang Young-mook out, pinch hitter Moon Hyun-bin in
Pinch hitter Moon Hyun-bin
– First base runner Lee Won-seok: Stole second base
Popped out to second baseman
Bottom of the 9th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #4: Yang Suk-hwan
9회말 4번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : 한화 박상원
Position change: Right fielder Kim Tae-yean moved to first baseman
Position change: Pinch hitter Moon Hyun-bin moved to second baseman
Position change: Pinch runner Yoo Ro-gyeol moved to right field
Foul fly caught by third baseman
Batter #5: Kim Jae-hwan
9회말 5번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : 한화 박상원
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #6: Kang Seung-ho
Grounded out to third baseman
Deciding Hit Jang Jin-hyuk (6th inning, 1 out, runner on 1st, CF-RF gap double)
HR Kim Jae-hwan (#24, 4th inning off Ryu Hyun-jin, 1 run)
2B Roh Si-hwan (2nd inning), Heo Kyoung-min (2nd inning), Jang Jin-hyuk (6th inning), Lee Jae-won (7th inning)
E Roh Si-hwan (1st inning), Kim Jae-ho (9th inning)
SB Lee Won-seok (9th inning)
PK Jang Jin-hyuk (8th inning)
GIDP Jang Jin-hyuk (1st inning), Kim In-hwan (4th inning), Lee Jae-won (5th inning), Yang Suk-hwan (6th inning)
Umpires Ham Ji-woong, 장호석, Kim Jung-guk, Kim Ik-su
Venue Jamsil Baseball Stadium
Attendance 23750
Duration 2:46