1st Inning
Top of the 1st: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #1: Park Ji-hwan
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #2: Choo Shin-soo
Flied out to center fielder
Batter #3: Choi Jeong
Home run to center field (Distance: 130m / 425ft)
Batter #4: Han Yoo-seom
Flied out to right fielder
Bottom of the 1st: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Single to center field
Batter #2: Heo Kyoung-min
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #3: Yang Eui-ji
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Stole second base
Grounded out to shortstop
– Second base runner Jung Soo-bin: Advanced to third base
Batter #4: Kim Jae-hwan
Uncaught third strike
2nd Inning
Top of the 2nd: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #5: Park Seong-han
Single to center field
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Grounded out to third baseman
– First base runner Park Seong-han: Advanced to second base
Batter #7: Choi Ji-hoon
Home run to right field (Distance: 120m / 395ft)
– Second base runner Park Seong-han: Scored
Batter #8: Ko Myeong-jun
Home run to left field (Distance: 115m / 375ft)
Batter #9: Ha Jae-hoon
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #1: Park Ji-hwan
Bottom of the 2nd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #5: Yang Suk-hwan
2회말 5번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 두산 양석환
Flied out to right fielder
Batter #6: Ramos
Single to left of center fielder
Batter #7: Kang Seung-ho
Single to center field
– First base runner Ramos: Advanced to third base
Batter #8: Lee Yu-chan
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Kang Seung-ho: Force out at second base
3rd Inning
Top of the 3rd: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #2: Choo Shin-soo
3회초 2번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : SSG 추신수
Base on balls
Batter #3: Choi Jeong
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to third baseman)
– First base runner Choo Shin-soo: Force out at second base
Batter #4: Han Yoo-seom
3회초 4번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : SSG 한유섬
Single to right field
– First base runner Choi Jeong: Advanced to third base
Batter #5: Park Seong-han
Sacrifice fly to left fielder
– Third base runner Choi Jeong: Scored
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Flied out to right fielder
Bottom of the 3rd: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
Single to right of center fielder
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
Single to right field
– First base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to second base
Batter #2: Heo Kyoung-min
Mound visit by catcher
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to shortstop)
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Force out at second base
– Second base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Advanced to third base
Batter #3: Yang Eui-ji
Hit by pitch
– First base runner Heo Kyoung-min: Advanced to second base
Batter #4: Kim Jae-hwan
3회말 4번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 두산 김재환
Batter #5: Yang Suk-hwan
Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to third baseman)
– First base runner Yang Eui-ji: Force out at second base
4th Inning
Top of the 4th: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #7: Choi Ji-hoon
Single to right field
Batter #8: Ko Myeong-jun
– First base runner Choi Ji-hoon: Stole second base
Grounded out to shortstop
Batter #9: Ha Jae-hoon
Sacrifice fly to right fielder
– Second base runner Choi Ji-hoon: Scored
Batter #1: Park Ji-hwan
Single to left field
Batter #2: Choo Shin-soo
Bottom of the 4th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #6: Ramos
Popped out to second baseman
Batter #7: Kang Seung-ho
Batter #8: Lee Yu-chan
4회말 8번타순 2구 후 피치클락 위반 pitcher 경고 : SSG 앤더슨
5th Inning
Top of the 5th: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #3: Choi Jeong
Batter #4: Han Yoo-seom
Grounded out to second baseman
Batter #5: Park Seong-han
Single to center field
Batter #6: Lee Ji-young
Flied out to center fielder
Bottom of the 5th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #9: Jo Soo-haeng
5회말 9번타순 초구 전 피치클락 위반 타자 경고 : 두산 조수행
Single to right of left fielder
Batter #1: Jung Soo-bin
– First base runner Jo Soo-haeng: Caught stealing (catcher → shortstop tag out)
Single to right of left fielder
Batter #2: Heo Kyoung-min
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Jung Soo-bin: Force out at second base
6th Inning
Top of the 6th: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #7: Choi Ji-hoon
Lined out to shortstop
Batter #8: Ko Myeong-jun
Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #9: Ha Jae-hoon
Flied out to left fielder
Bottom of the 6th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #3: Yang Eui-ji
Pitching change: Anderson → Jo Byeong-hyeon
Batter #4: Kim Jae-hwan
Batter #5: Yang Suk-hwan
7th Inning
Top of the 7th: SSG Landers at bat
Batter #1: Park Ji-hwan
Batter #2: Choo Shin-soo
Single to right field
Batter #3: Choi Jeong
Grounded into double play
– First base runner Choo Shin-soo: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 7th: Doosan Bears at bat
Batter #6: Ramos
7회말 6번타순 초구 전 18:58 ~ 19:38 (40분간) Rain Delay
Pitching change: Jo Byeong-hyeon → Lee Ro-un